Sunday, May 10, 2009

My Mother

By Pastor Ronnie Wolfe
May 7, 2009

Her softest voice gave comfort sweet.
Her gentle hands gave peace.
Melodious voice soothed every soul.
And gave my heart release.

Her calm reminder of my wrong
And sternest interjection
Gave me pause to think the right
For sin a strong rejection.

Her skill amazed me as I watched
Her hands sew stitch to stitch.
The finest garments we all wore.
They satisfied our itch.

Her faith was strong, my constant guide
To draw me to my God.
Her Bible near and full of cheer
She taught me how to love.

God took her home to live with Him,
And all our hearts fell ill,
But we know how to remain strong;
Her heart is with us still.

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