Wednesday, April 17, 2013

After This

By Ronnie W. Wolfe — April 17, 2013


After this life eternity comes,
And God will add the totals and sums.
After this life no sorrows will shine,
But only God’s bread and eternal wine.

After this our dreams will come true;
We’ll leave stress behind and all will be new.
Our hearts are in tune with the heavenly choir;
Our voices will blend with them hour after hour.

After this we’ll stand by the shore
And with confidence praise our Lord evermore.
We’ll greet all our friends in that wonderful place,
And our favorite Friend we’ll see face to face.

Departing this life gives no lasting sorrow.
I’ll stay with my Lord for a lasting tomorrow.
I’ll leave with you memories for each lonely heart,
Give thanks to my Savior for taking my part.

So look to the heavens, expect a quick day
When all of your hurts will be taken away,
And look for a time of a Heavenly bliss.
It all will come true when we leave after this.

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