Monday, September 12, 2022

My Story #94 -- Ghost In Church Building?


My Story #94

Ghost In Church Building?

Pastor Ronnie Wolfe

One evening late I was working in the recording room at church. I don’t remember what I was trying to accomplish, but I remember that I needed an empty cassette tape to do whatever it was.

I reached into the box of new tapes we had just bought; and, just to be sure, I put the tape into the tape player and turned it on PLAY. In a few seconds I heard the most confusing sound I ever heard. Remember, it is late at night, and I am in the building alone. The sound seemed to be someone speaking in another language, but it was even more confused than that.

I looked around to see if anyone else was in the building, thinking that someone may be playing a joke on me through a microphone. I turned off the tape, and the sound stopped. I turned it on again, and the sound came back. I had heard some weird stories about demons, so I wondered for a few seconds whether it could be a demon.

However, when I got my mind settled, I realized that I had heard the sound before. I heard it while listening to a tape that a man had in his study of demons. It was a tape that was played backward. Then I realized that the tape company had sent me some tapes that were already used. Perhaps they tried to erase them with a bulk erase and did not get all the sound off the tapes.  We did not purchase tapes from them anymore.

Now, I do not believe in ghosts, but I do believe in demons; but this was no demon. It was just a tape loaded backwards in a cassette—someone preaching backward.

That was some experience!

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