Monday, January 18, 2021

My LBC Story #17


My Story #17:

I will never forget a wonderful woman in Lexington, Kentucky, who took in some of the men students of Lexington Baptist College. Her name was Mrs. Ledford. When I first moved into her house, she lived right at the end of the Ashland Avenue Baptist Church parking lot. The college classes met in that building, and her location made it easy for us to get up and get to class in just a few moments, simply walking across the parking lot and into the building.

Mrs. Ledford cooked our evening meal for us, and there were usually four or five boys living in her house. She was a marvelous cook and immaculate in her cleanliness. I especially remember her cleaning the burner wells on the stove often. They always shined like pure silver in my mind.

Mrs. Ledford was known well at the church, and she was active in the church. The boys who lived in her house esteemed her highly and listened to her many stories about her husband, who had passed away.

I had the wonderful opportunity to visit her in the nursing home in her elder years, for which I am thankful to this day. She is not easy to forget!

By the way, this wonderful woman is the grandmother to Tanya York, husband to Bro. Hershael York. Hershael and Tanya have been close friends of mine since both of them were very small children.

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