Monday, June 28, 2021

Our New (Used) Car

 My Story #39

I remember that, in the late 1980's, First Baptist Church members took upon themselves to purchase a nice used car for me and my wife.

I remember that, after the morning service, Shirley and I were led out the front door to see a really nice used Dodge Spirit. Not only did we see the car, but we also saw a giant ribbon tied around the car with a huge bow on the top. This was something new for us to see.

We went out to see the car, and my wife got into the passenger's seat. She sat there for a couple of minutes, and she said, "This is just like being on The Price Is Right." We all had a wonderful laugh out of that. We enjoyed that little car for several years, and we were so thankful to have it.

Monday, June 21, 2021

11-Year-Old Boy

 My Story #38

This is the story of an 11-year-old boy who was my neighbor. At that time I lived with my mother, and he would come down to our house every day. We learned to love him. He had some idiosyncrasies that made him special.

Once he came into my bedroom and sat down on the bed beside me. He handed me a small card with a very small picture of himself on it. On the back of the card it read "I love you." I said, "I love you, too." Then I told him about Jesus and prayed with him. He said he trusted in Jesus Christ.

On December 8, 1972, he drowned in a flooded creek down the road from our house. They did not find his body for 28 days. I preached his funeral, which was a sad one. This was only three months after I was married.

Now he lives in a place where people do not drown. They are happy, and there are no more tears or sorrows. I still have that picture along with one more that I took of him. I know God is pleased to have him in heaven.

Anyone who will believe in Jesus Christ can go to heaven. Heaven is a beautiful and an amazing place prepared for them who love the Lord. I hope you are going there by grace through faith in Jesus Christ.

1 Thessalonians 4:14 For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so them also which sleep in Jesus will God bring with him.

Tuesday, June 15, 2021

I Broke My Nose

 My Story #37:

Ronnie W. Wolfe
I Broke My Nose

My father worked in Covington, Kentucky, and he would go there on Monday and would stay all week in an apartment. The rest of us stayed at home on the farm to keep things going there.

On one occasion, my father came home on Friday evening, and I was excited to see him; but he went to the barn first rather than come into the house. I moved as fast as I could to go out to the barn to see him, but I forgot about a small step off from our front porch. I lost my balance at that step and fell face-first directly onto a rock, and my nose was the first thing that hit the rock. My nose began to bleed, and my father came running. He picked me up and carried me into the house. That is all I wanted: to see my father; but this evening I got more than the sight of him. I didn't really break my nose, but my father thought that I may have, so I got personal attention. HAPPY FATHER'S DAY, DAD in heaven!

Monday, June 7, 2021

Working For Kelly Girl Service

 My Story #36:
Ronnie W. Wolfe

Working For Kelly Girl Service

After graduating from Fugazzi Business College, I had a promise given to me that as long as I live the college would have a job for me. Upon my graduation, they put me in contact with "Kelly Girl Service." Can you imagine that? Of course, I needed the work, so I began to work for them. I took shorthand, typed letters, filed cards and statements, made copies, typed reports and did general secretarial work. I was one of only a few men who worked for Kelly Girl Service.

Then the name was changed to Kelly Services, because more and more men were getting into that kind of work. That name was a little easier for me to tolerate.

The work was mostly temporary; so, from week to week or month to month (and sometimes day to day), I would work for different people doing different things. Once I sat in a lawyer's office all day just to answer the phone while he was in court. The phone did not ring even once. That was one boring day.

I was paid at one time about $1.65 per hour for the work. That was the "going rate." Once while working at AAA Worldwide Travel, I was working through Kelly Services. The lady that I worked for asked me how much Kelly was paying me, and I told her around $1.65. She said she was paying them $2.50 per hour. I told her she could not hire me full time unless I had not worked for her for six months. She said "You're fired." So, she fired me for six months and then hired me back for $2.50 per hour. I was a happy camper.

Even later, when I was teaching and working at Lexington Baptist College, I used Kelly Services to supplement my income on a part-time basis. Those were the days!