Monday, July 21, 2014

Psalm 119:48

Ronnie W. Wolfe

Lifting up the hands unto the Lord's commandments does not mean to pray to the paper and ink of the printed Bible but rather to raise up the hands in praise and worship to the Lord of the commandments, relinquishing all of our own philosophies and surrendering to the worship of God through his word.

We do this, because we love the Lord's commandments. We are not afraid of them, nor are we intimidated by them. We are only saddened that we cannot keep them fully. God's grace is sufficient, but our flesh is weak. God still loves us and portends a welcome entrance into is literal kingdom.

We love the Lord's commandments so much that we meditate on them. To meditate means to stop, take time, contemplate, and even memorize the word of God so that we can hide it in our hearts. We need to do this so that we may not sin against God.

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